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Operational Errors

  • Symlink Errors
    • jQuery is not loaded
    • jQueryUI is not loaded
    • Jquery-ui-css-error.png

Since openDCIM has been developed with LAMP in mind if you choose to operate under Windows you will have to check the following files and copy or make links on your own.

Check the following symlinks:

openDCIM/scripts/jquery-1.10.1.min.js => jquery.min.js
openDCIM/scripts/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js => jquery-ui.min.js
openDCIM/css/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.css => jquery-ui.css

  • Windows example1: mklink jquery-ui.css jquery-ui-1.10.0.custom.css
  • Windows example2: copy jquery-ui-1.10.0.custom.css jquery-ui.css
C:\Users\wilpig>mklink /?
Creates a symbolic link.

MKLINK [[/D] | [/H] | [/J]] Link Target

        /D      Creates a directory symbolic link.  Default is a file
                symbolic link.
        /H      Creates a hard link instead of a symbolic link.
        /J      Creates a Directory Junction.
        Link    specifies the new symbolic link name.
        Target  specifies the path (relative or absolute) that the new link
                refers to.