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Rack Requests-Users

A rack request may be initiated by clicking the Rack Request Form button in the left menu. Select the requestor from the pick list, the label should match the desired device label. The Label, Serial Number, Height, and Current Location fields are required. When the form has been completed press the Create button.

When the Create button is pressed an email will be sent to the Requestor and the Data Center team, providing a link to the request.

Database Information

Rack requests are stored in the fac_RackRequest table.

Field Information

  • RequestID - An auto increment field within MySQL that guarantees a unique ID.
  • RequestorID - A foreign key reference to a ContactID, as defined in fac_Contact.
  • RequestTime - The time the request was made.
  • CompleteTime - The time the request was completed.
  • Label - The label assigned to the request. This should match the device name.
  • SerialNo - The serial number of the device.
  • MfgDate - The manufacture date for the device.
  • AssetTag - The asset tag of the device.
  • ESX - A flag that indicates if the device is an ESX server.
  • Owner - A foreign key reference to the departmental owner of the device, as defined in fac_Department.
  • DeviceHeight - The height, in Rack Units (RU), which is roughly 1.75" per RU.
  • EthernetCount - The number of ethernet ports provided by the device.
  • VLANList - Instructions for connection of the ethernet ports. Required if the number of ports is provided.
  • SANCount - The number of SAN ports provided by the device.
  • SANList - Instructions for connection of the SAN ports. Required if the number of SAN ports is provided.
  • DeviceClass - A foreign key reference to a device template, as defined in fac_DeviceTemplate.
  • DeviceType - The type of device selected from an enumerated list.
  • LabelColor - The color that will be used to display the request on the openDCIM home page.
  • CurrentLocation - The current location of the device.
  • SpecialInstructions - Any additional information about the request.