From OpenDCIM Wiki
{ "error": false, "errorcode": 200, "cabinet": [ { "CabinetID": "21", "DataCenterID": "1", "Location": "AB04", "LocationSortable": "AB04", "AssignedTo": "0", "ZoneID": "0", "CabRowID": "0", "CabinetHeight": "42", "Model": "", "Keylock": "", "MaxKW": "0", "MaxWeight": "0", "InstallationDate": "2016-04-19", "MapX1": "0", "MapY1": "0", "MapX2": "0", "MapY2": "0", "FrontEdge": "Top", "Notes": "", "U1Position": "Bottom", "Rights": "Write", "DataCenterName": "DC1" } ] }
- /cabinet
- Method GET
- Parameters none
- Specific Permission Required none
This URI will return a collection of all cabinets defined within openDCIM. There is a corresponding Entity URL for retrieving a single entity.
- /cabinet/bydc/:datacenterid
- Method GET
- Parameters DataCenterID
- Specific Permission Required none
This URI will return a collection of all cabinets, if any, that are defined within openDCIM as belonging to the specified DataCenterID.
- /cabinet/bydept/:departmentid
- Method GET
- Parameters DepartmentID
- Specific Permission Required none
This URI will return a collection of all cabinets, if any, that are defined within openDCIM as belonging to the specified DepartmentID.